2. Duplicate your layer by pressing Ctrl+J (PC)
3. Desaturate this layer by either using the hotkey Shift+Ctrl+U / Shift+Cmd+U or navigating toImage>Adjustments>Desaturate
4. Adjust the Opacity to between 35% and 60% to subdue the colors of the image.
5. Create a new Photo Filter adjustment layer by navigating to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Photo Filter.
6. In the Adjustment layer properties sheet, choose Sepia from the Filter menu.
7. Adjust the Density to 100%.
8. If necessary, change the opacity of the Photo Filter Adjustment Layer to between 45% and 65%.
9. Create a new Curves adjustment layer by navigating to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Curves.
10. Adjust the curves properties to match the figure below.
11. Adjust the Opacity to between 45% and 60%
12. Merge all layers into a new single layer by using the Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E
13. Change the Blend Mode to Multiply and adjust the Opacity to a value between 35% and 45%
And here’s the finished product, of course you can tweak the various layer to achieve your desired effect.
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